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選擇性緘默與自閉症篩查計劃 - 香港電台31台 Selective Mutism and Autism Screening Program - RTHK31

This podcast is in Chinese only 此電台節目只有中文版本

2024/01/25, 1400-1500

RTHK 《精靈一點》



嘉賓:林蕙芬醫生 (兒科專科醫生)

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Hong Kong Developmental and Paediatrics Centre

Central Centre

Tel: 2243 0000

Fax: 2140 6880

Room 2909A, 29/F, Bank of America Tower,  12 Harcourt Road, Central

Hung Hom Centre

Tel: 2342 6468

Fax: 2342 6298

Shop 833, Level 8, Fortune Metropolis, No. 6 Metropolis Drive, Hung Hom, Kowloon

Yau Ma Tei Centre

Tel: 2243 0000

Fax: 2140 6880

Level 20, Wing Sing Commercial Building, 2 Wing Sing Lane, Yau Ma Tei

Cyberport Back Office

Tel: 2243 0000

Fax: 2140 6880

Reception, Entrepreneurship Centre, Level 5, Core F, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong


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