Speech Therapist
Maggie SUN
M.A. (Linguistics) (The University of Hong Kong)
BSc (Speech & Hearing) (The University of Hong Kong)
Member of HKAST
Maggie has more than 15 years of experiences working with children with speech and language developmental problems in various settings. Based on children’s individual needs, Maggie is specialized in designing therapeutic programmes to facilitate their speech and development and to enhance their social and communication skills at home, at school and in daily life in general.
Further Qualifications:
Qualified The Hong Kong Cantonese Oral Language Assessment Scale (HKCOLAS) examiner
Qualified Hong Kong Graded Character Naming Test (HKGNCT) user
Qualified The Hong Kong Test of Preschool Oral Language (Cantonese) (TOPOL) examiner
Certificate in Beckmann Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention
Certificate in SRJ Talk Tools Oral Placement Therapy Level 1 & 2
Certificate in SRJ Talk Tools Childhood Apraxia of Speech: The Oral-motor Component
Certificate in SRJ Talk Tools Feeding Therapy: A sensory-motor Approach
Certificate in Interactive Oral Sensory-Motor Therapy Tools and Techniques (IOSM TnT)
Certificate in Lessac-Madsen Resonance Voice Therapy – Adults and Kids (LMRVT)
Certificate in the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
Certificate in PROMPT approach
Certificate in TEACCH program
Certificate in SCERTS® Model
Certificate and License to practice Feurestein Instrumental Enrichment Basic Mediator
Working Experience
Preschool settings: Special Child Care Centre, Early Education and Training Centre and District-based Speech Therapy Service
School Setting: school-based speech therapy services by EDB
Hospital Authority and Child Assessment Centre
Part-time clinical supervisor for speech therapy students in HKU