Speech Therapist
Jenny KWOK
MSc Voice Pathology (Distinction) (University College London)
BSc (Speech & Hearing) (The University of Hong Kong)
Jenny has more than 10 years clinical experiences working with children with speech and language problems in various settings, including mainstream primary schools, secondary schools, kindergartens, Special Child Care Centre, Integrated Child Care Centre, Early Education and Training Centre. Jenny can conduct therapy in Cantonese, English and Mandarin respectively.
Further Qualifications:
Qualified examiner of Hong Kong Cantonese Oral Language Assessment Scale (HKCOLAS)
Qualified Hong Kong Graded Character Naming Test (HKGCNT) User
School-based speech and language support training course for Speech Therapists
Basic Training in the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Certificate
Certified Deep Pharyngeal Neuromuscular Stimulation Provider for Dysphagia (DPNS)
TalkTools ORAL PLACEMENT THERAPY Level 1 & Level 2
Talk Tools Childhood Apraxia of Speech: The Oral-motor Component Certificate
Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention Certificate
VOICECRAFT “Yell Well” Workshop
The Stutter-Free Speech Program – Hands-on Training
VitalStim® Therapy
Member of Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists
Cognitive Behavioural Interventions for People with High Functioning Autism
Level One Introductory Theraplay and Marschak Interaction Method training
Fiberoptic Endoscopic Examination of Swallowing (FEES) Workshop 2013
Certificate of Child Psychology (The Open University of Hong Kong)
The complete Estill Voice Training Course Level One & Level Two
Working Experience:
School based Speech Therapist (EDB) for various primary & secondary Schools
EETC, ICCC, SCCC, kindergartens, NGOs
MR Schools (mild/moderate/severe grade)
Hong Kong Institution of Education (Research)
Hong Kong Association of the Deaf