Our medical specialists provide diagnostic and treatment consultations for children with developmental needs, gifted development or neurological conditions. Our psychologists provide motivational interviews, psycho-education and counselling , and together with the accredited team of professionals conduct multi-disciplinary consultation to provide tailor-made anticipatory guidance covering the medical, educational and emotional needs of our clients.
Collaborative Rehabilitation Plan
Rehabilitation plan following Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) e.g. Shaken Baby Syndrome, Brain Tumour, Encephalitis or Meningitis
Dietitian Consultation
Our Registered dietitian offers nutrition consultation and assessment services for customized dietary recommendations and meal plans to meet individual child’s health development needs
Habitation Plan
​For infant and children who are suffering from genetic or perinatal hypoxic encephalopathy, e.g. cerebral palsy, neuro-muscular disease, inborn errors of metabolism

Genetic Counselling and Testing
We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our technological capabilities. Our expert team of professionals is passionate about developing the most advanced tech on the market. Ready to experience the future? Get in touch.