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Understanding Angelman Syndrome 

Angelman Syndrome is a rare genetic disease. Although those with this disease may always be smiling, due to genetic abnormality, it leads to neurological deficits, making it hard for the patient's daily activities. What can be done for patients with such rare disease?


Specialist in Developmental-Behaviorual Paediatrics Dr. Fanny LAM is recently interviewed by "HiEggo" to talk about Angelman Syndrome's symptoms, diagnoses, cause, and treatments to improve its prognosis. 

Our Services


Consultation with paediatrician, therapist, and psychologist


Group Trainings led by psychologist


Tests and Assessments

(Genetic, Behavioral, Cognitive ability)


Therapies by specialized, licensed, trained therapists


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Outreach to Hospitals and other governmental services


Our Mission 

To enable full development of every child’s potentials and strengths. To ensure earliest identification and intervention of child’s areas of weakness in development.

Dr. Wai Fan Fanny LAM

Specialist in Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics

MBChB (CUHK), MRCP (UK), DCH (Irel), FHKCPaed, FHKAM(Paed)

Dr Lam Profo.webp

Dr. Kam Tim LIU

Specialist in Paediatric Neurology

MBBCh (Irel), BAO, LRCPI, & SI , BSc (Hons), DCH (Irel), MRCP (Irel), FHKCPaed, FHKAM (Paed)  

DR LIU Profo.webp

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